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FayrEdge For
Health & Welness

In the dynamic health and wellness industry, understanding patient and customer needs is paramount. FayrEdge provides a comprehensive solution to capture, analyze, and act on feedback from patients, employees, and other stakeholders. From enhancing patient experiences to optimizing operations, FayrEdge empowers healthcare organizations to make data-driven decisions and drive positive change.

Health & Wellness

Trying to create the perfect personalised patient experience? 

Using EXP 360 NOW + QRPulse and Pulse Lite can help you:

  • Listen to voice of customers in "realtime"

  • Improve patient/customer satisfaction to optimizing operational efficiency

  • Identify areas for improvement, and measure satisfaction effectively

  • Deliver exceptional experiences, foster loyalty, and drive sustainable growth.

  • Increase engagement time with customers

  • Enhance brand and reputation



Use 360 suite to listen to voice of  Employees & Candidates on a real-time basis  & when you want to. 


Improve Customer Retention


Lower Cost of Customer Acqusition


Save time and & Money on cost of listening


Leverage AI & deep tech to get sharper insights


All figures are indicative and may vary

Start your Stakeholder Experience Journey Today!

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